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how to report an incident

on-campus reporting

UWL recently created a webpage with information regarding reporting to campus resources. Students wishing to file a report of sexual misconduct should follow this link to fill out the form. Incidents will be reported to the Title IX Coordinator. Then, the report will be reviewed and an investigation will occur. 


Please note that all University Employees except for the confidential resources listed below are mandated reporters and required to report any incidents of sexual misconduct they hear of or are witness to. 


UWL's Title IX Coordinator, Nizam Arain, would also be able to help students file a report. He can be contacted through email ( or by phone (608.785.85410).


Students can also contact Campus Police by calling (608)-789-9000


Confidential Resources: 

Ingrid Peterson, Violence Prevention Specialist (

Counselors at the Counseling and Testing Center (608.785.8073)

Student Health Center Staff (608.785.8558)

Terra Brister, Multicultural Student Case Manager (

AJ Clauss, Campus Climate Program Manager (

Andrew Ives, Student Life Specialist (

Joel Luedke, Assistant Director, Athletic Training (

Willem VanRoosenbeek, Director of LGBTQA+ Services (

off-campus reporting

To file a report with the La Crosse Police Department, please visit their office at City Hall. The address is: 

City of La Crosse Police Department
City Hall - 1st Floor
400 La Crosse Street
La Crosse, WI  54601

You can also call them at (608)-785-5962. 


Additionally, SANE nurses, doctors, or counselors would be able to help survivors file a police report. 



Additional Resources: 

  • UWL Sexual Misconduct Information Page

    • This webpage outlines the reporting process at UWL, how to report an incident, and what happens when a survivor reports an incident. It also provides the form for reporting the incident. ​

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