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You Are Not Alone

Surviving an incident of sexual misconduct, harassment, or assault can be overwhelming and isolating. This site is designed to be a resource, and a reminder that survivors are in control and that support is out there. The information on this website is designed for UWL students.

TW: The content on this website involves information about sexual misconduct, harassment, or assault, which may be troubling for some people. 


What Is Sexual Assault? 

Understanding what has happened can be very difficult. This section provides information about the what sexual misconduct, harassment, or assault is. This section also defines consent.


Medical Care

Seeking medical care after an incident can be traumatic. Knowing what to expect and what to look out for can be very helpful and make it easier for survivors to get the care they need.


Mental Health Care

Incidents of sexual misconduct, harassment, or assault can be very traumatic for the survivor. Knowing what resources are available is important so survivors can get the emotional support they need.


Reporting an Incident

Deciding whether or not to report an incident of sexual misconduct, harassment, or assault is complicated and entirely up to the survivor. This section outlines the reasoning behind both options, and outlines how to report to on- and off-campus resources.

About this Website

This website was created as part of a capstone project for the Women, Gender, and Sexuality Studies Department at the University of Wisconsin-La Crosse. The information on this website was informed by a survey of UWL students and careful research. This website was created so that survivors of sexual misconduct, harassment or assault would be able to easily access any resource they may need. 

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