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Getting proper medical care after an incident of sexual assault is extremely important. Even if someone chooses not to report an incident of sexual assault, it's important to make sure they are physically okay, and get medical attention for physical injuries, pregnancy, or sexually transmitted infections. Some survivors may also choose to get a Sexual Assault Forensic Exam (commonly known as rape kit). 


This information contains information regarding seeking medical care after an incident of sexual assault. It gives an overview of what happens when someone gets a Sexual Assault Forensic Exam (commonly known as a rape kit), a process that can be difficult for survivors. However, knowing what to expect can make the process easier. 


This section also outlines where someone can go to seek medical help if they are a survivor of sexual assault, both on- or off-campus. Additionally, this section provides an overview of different sexually transmitted infections (STI's), their effects, treatments, and how to tell if you have an STI.Finally, this section provides information on emergency contraception, where to access emergency contraception, and the different types of emergency contraception.

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